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Kaori Yamazaki山崎香織
山崎香織/ Kaori Yamazaki
総合文化研究科地域文化研究専攻 (Area Studies) / Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

ソウル大学校 / Seoul National University
大韓民国 / Republic of Korea


Hi!! I am Kaori, a second year Ph.D. student. I studied at Seoul National University for a fall semester in 2021. My academic interest is in US history, especially US-Japan-South Korea trilateral relationships. Even if you are not good at Korean, SNU offers English classes like Todai so feel free to apply for it! The campus of SNU is far greater than Komaba or Hongo and you can get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. I also joined a short-term winter program at the University of California, San Diego. I’d be happy to share my experiences with you! Please do not hesitate to come by if you’ve got any questions!
古澤由成 / Yusei Furusawa
教養学部 / Faculty of Arts and Sciences
シンガポール国立大学 / National University of Singapore
シンガポール / Singapore


Hi! I’m Yusei Furusawa, a fourth-year undergraduate student majoring in International Relations. I studied at National University of Singapore from August 2022 to May 2023 through USTEP. At NUS, I took a lot of unique courses such as “Managing NPOs” and “History of Singapore.” Also, I had a wonderful opportunity to volunteer at local non-profits. If you are interested in international activities including exchange programs, feel free to contact me for any questions you may have!


Huang Zihan (Miya)黄子涵(米娅)2
黄子涵(米娅)/ Huang Zihan (Miya)
大気海洋研究所・総合文化研究科国際環境学プログラム(GPES)/ Atmosphere & Ocean Research Insitute・Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Program on Environmental Sciences
スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校/ ETH Zürich
スイス / Switzerland

こんにちは!ミヤです!北京と香港出身の留学生です。今は博士一年で、柏キャンパスの大気海洋研究所で研究を進めております。研究船を乗って、海水や深海の泥をサンプリングして、分析してデータから地球システムに関する面白いストーリーを作るのが日課です。現在の夢は科学者として南極に行くことです。3年生の頃はスイスでUSTEP生として1年間過ごしました。ETHは、科学と技術が好きな人にはとてもいい選択だと思います。私は、量子力学の哲学からアルプスでの生態学のフィールドコースまで、自分の専攻以外の領域を探求することがよくできました。一年間の交換留学は私にとって思い出深い1年でした。学校の中でも外でも多くのことを学びました。休みの時はヨーロッパやモロッコでバックパックをしながら、さまざまな文化圏・年齢・職業の人々と出会い、異なる視点から世界を見ることができました。冒険しながら留学したい方はぜひ私に相談してください!単純に喋りたい方もぜんぜんウェルカムですよ :)

Hey! I am Miya from Beijing and Hong Kong. Now I am a first-year PhD student at the Atmospheric and Ocean Research Institute on Kashiwa Campus. My work involves going on research cruise, sampling for seawater and deep sea mud, analyzing them and creating stories about the Earth from the data. One of my current dreams is to visit Antarctica as a scientist one day. I spent a year in Switzerland during my third year through USTEP. ETH Zurich is a super nice choice if you are into science and technologies. I got to explore a lot of subjects outside of my major, ranging from philosophy of quantum mechanics to ecology field courses in the Alps. It was a memorable year for me. I learnt so much inside and outside of school. I also got to meet people from various cultures and learnt to see the world from different perspectives through backpacking and working holidays in Europe and Morocco. Come chat with me about anything! You can also practice English, Mandarin and Cantonese with me :)
Himena Miyashita宮下姫那
宮下姫那 / Himena Miyashita
教養学部 (PEAK) / Faculty of Arts and Sciences (PEAK)
グルノーブル・アルプス大学 / Université Grenoble Alpes
フランス / France


Hey! I’m Himena Miyashita, a fourth-year PEAK JEA student, and I am from Japan and Singapore. I studied in the Faculty of Law at Université Grenoble Alpes in France as part of my USTEP exchange. I am also a GLP-GEfIL student at UTokyo, and as part of GEfIL I spent close to a semester at the University of Oxford in the Exeter College Summer Programme. One of my favorite things about going on exchange has been the fact that I’ve made so many friends from various countries and backgrounds. Many of us are still in touch, and I have even gone to visit some of my friends in the United States and in Singapore! Another valuable aspect of my experiences has been my ability to pursue my academic passion in Law, which has greatly expanded my field of studies beyond my degree at UTokyo. I am very excited to be able to share my experiences with you, and to support you with your exchange plans! If you’re curious about any of the countries I’ve been to, want to practice French, or just want to chat in general, I’ll be most happy to!
Shuji Imaeda今枝柊二
今枝柊二 / Shuji Imaeda
教養学部教養学科超域文化科学分科学際言語科学コース / Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
University College London (UCL)


Hi! I’m Shuji, a 4th-year linguistics student. I did my year abroad at UCL, which is located in one of the most diverse cities in the world. As an affiliate student at BASc, I took modules from various disciplines, ranging from sociology to philosophy. Feel free to visit me if you’re vaguely thinking about going abroad or applying for USTEP, or even have specific questions about life at UCL!
Ayana Nakada中田絢菜
中田絢菜 / Ayana Nakada
薬学部 / Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
ウプサラ大学 / Uppsala University
スウェーデン / Sweden

こんにちは!USTEPでスウェーデンのウプサラ大学に2022年8月から2023年6月まで1年留学していました。留学先では自分で交渉して研究室に入れてもらったり、大学院の授業で創薬に関する授業を取ったりと非常に有意義な時間を過ごすことができました。他にもスウェーデン語の授業を取ったり北緯60度の町までオーロラを見に行ったりと北欧留学らしい活動もたくさんしました!USTEP以外でも体験活動プログラムに参加したりAmgen Scholars Programという国際的な研究インターンをしたりと色々と国際交流をしてきたので、北欧留学・理系留学に興味のある方、また留学全般や学内でできる国際交流に興味のある方は是非お話ししましょう!

Hi! I studied abroad through USTEP at Uppsala University, Sweden, from August 2022 to June 2023. There, I had a wonderful time! I belonged to the lab I chose and took a course about development of medicine which was a part of the graduate courses. Also, I took a course about Swedish and I traveled up north of Sweden and saw beautiful northern lights, which were definitely one of the advantages of studying in northern europe! Other than USTEP, I joined hands-on activity and Amgen Scholars Program which were available within the university. If you are interested in studying in northern europe, studying abroad as a scientific major student, even studying abroad in general and international exchange, I'll be happy to talk with you :)


Yuto Koba
Yuto Koba / 木場悠人
Faculty of Economics / 経済学部
University of British Columbia / ブリティッシュコロンビア大学
Canada / カナダ

はじめまして!! 2022 - 2023 の期間でUBC(ブリティッシュコロンビア大学)に交換留学していました、木場悠人です。留学先では経済学を中心に学習し、またBC州の豊かな自然を満喫しました。年々アカデミック面で進歩を遂げるUBCの優れた環境で、素晴らしい友人に恵まれ、寮の窓から美しい海と山が一望できる毎日を過ごすことが出来たことは、非常に幸運な経験だったと断言できます。

Hello! I'm Yuto Koba, a final year B.A. Economics student at the University of Tokyo. After my full-year exchange at the University of British Columbia (UBC), I've taken on the role of student advisor, assisting UTokyo students interested in studying abroad and incoming international students. Feel free to ask me anything about studying abroad or life in general! You can often find me strolling around the Hongo campus. Also, if you're looking for tips for skiing in Canada or hidden tourist gems in Tokyo... Yes, you're talking to the right person!
Rina Umeda

梅田莉名 / Rina Umeda
教養学部 / Faculty of Arts and Sciences
プリンストン大学 / Princeton University
米国 / United States


Hi! I’m Rina Umeda, a 4th-year PEAK ES student and I studied Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University through USTEP.As a student passionate about environmental sciences especially in the energy sector, I took a wide range of classes about reaching carbon neutrality from a hard-core engineering stance such as carbon dioxide separation mechanisms to learning policy aspects such as the implications of pursuing an equal yet sustainable society in developing countries.
My motto has been, and will always continue to be “avoid regretting not doing”- from experience, I can proudly say that the various exchange programs at the University of Tokyo are worth experiencing! To any of you that are only even slightly interested, I am more than happy to answer any of your questions so please feel free to come by and talk!


So Ando安藤聡
安藤聡 / So Ando
教養学部 / Faculty of Arts and Sciences
メルボルン大学 / The University of Melbourne
オーストラリア / Australia

はじめまして! 教養学部でアジアの政治を専攻している安藤聡と申します。2023年にはオーストラリアのメルボルン大学に交換留学していました。留学で過ごした1年間は学業面でもそれ以外でも本当に充実していたので、チャレンジする価値は大いにあると思います!留学先では、自分の専門にまつわるアジアとオーストラリアの外交に関する授業だけでなく、現地の生物を学ぶ授業など幅広い授業を履修して実りある生活を送ることができました。また、寮での友達とは毎日キッチンで一緒に料理をしたり、シドニー、タスマニア島やニュージーランドなどへ旅行にも行きました。今でも一緒に旅行に行く仲です!少しでも留学に興味を持たれた方はぜひグローバリゼーションオフィスに相談にいらしてください!

Hello! I'm So Ando, majoring in Asian Studies at the University of Tokyo. I was an exchange student at the University of Melbourne in 2023. Since USTEP was an invaluable experience for me, both academically and socially, I encourage you to consider participating! During my time in Melbourne, I studied Australian foreign policy, which is related to my major, and also explored Australian Wildlife Biology, broadening my horizons. For the social aspect, I cooked with my friends at the dorm every day and went to Sydney, Tasmania, and New Zealand with them. Even now, I still go on trips with them! If you are interested in studying abroad, feel free to talk with us at the Globalization Office!