Global Studies in Asia Program(GSA)

The Global Studies in Asia Program (GSA) provides a curriculum in English consisting of courses related to Japan. The Program, based at the Komaba Campus, is run by faculty members at the College of Arts and Sciences and is designed for international students who are interested in learning about, experiencing, and analyzing Japan from a variety of perspectives. The program offers courses in a number of areas, including cultural studies, history, literature, geography, politics, peacebuilding and environmental sciences. Students who register for the Global Studies in Asia Program will be given plenty of opportunities to interact with local students inside and outside of the classroom, especially students of the Global Studies Program (GS) which is the sister program of GSA. Upon acquiring the required credits in language learning and specialized courses, GSA students will be awarded an official certificate of completion issued by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

【Guidance of the GSA Program】
The guidance for 2024A Semester is scheduled ONLINE as follows:
Date & Time: October 7 (Mon) 12:20 - 12:50
Details and Registration:

Eligibility and Registration

Only students enrolled in the University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP TypeU) or the College of Arts and Sciences Senior Division Exchange Program (KOMSTEP) are eligible to apply for the program.

【How to Apply】
Those who want to apply for the GSA program should follow the steps below:

1. Fill out the online form by Thursday, October 31, 2024. (2024A Semester)

2 . Register for courses required by the GSA program during the course registration period through the University of Tokyo Academic Affairs System (UTAS) or through the procedures indicated by the exchange program coordinators.

  • Please ensure to register for courses containing the titles “Seminar in Global Liberal Arts”, “Praxis in Global Liberal Arts” and “Lectures in Global Liberal Arts”. Some of these courses have multiple entry titles when listed on UTAS, but will only count towards the GSA program when registered as the appropriate title (see course title list below).
  • Completing the online form and self-registering for GSA courses will automatically register students onto the GSA program.


Below are the courses offered in 2024A semester.
All courses in the GSA Program are conducted as regular UTokyo courses and are therefore open to local students.
Most of them are offered in English, but there are also several courses conducted in other non-Japanese languages (marked with an ◆ on the list).
GS/GSA Courses of 2024A (October 2024 - February 2025)
  Course Title Instructor Subtitle
 Praxis in Global Liberal Arts (2)
馬路 智仁 
/ BAJI Tomohito
「日本と太平洋と島々」/ Japan and the Pacific Ocean
  グローバル教養実践演習(3) /
 Praxis in Global Liberal Arts (3)
齊藤 弘久 
/ SAITO Hirohisa
Mindfulness and Well-Being in Higher Education
  グローバル教養特別講義 II (1)/
 Lectures in Global Liberal Arts II (1)
ROLAND Douglas Psychology of Language
  グローバル教養特別講義 II (2)/
 Lectures in Global Liberal Arts II (2)
小田 博宗 
/ ODA Hiromune
Introduction to Linguistic Typology
  グローバル教養特別講義 III (3)/
 Lectures in Global Liberal Arts III (3)
幕内 充 
/ MAKUUCHI Michiru
brain mechanisms of symbolic cognition
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (1) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (1)
成田 大樹 
/ NARITA Daiju
Environmental Economics
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (2) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (2)
GIRAUDOU Isabelle Law and the Anthropocene case-/problem-based learning
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (3) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (3)
前田 章 
/ MAEDA Akira
Mathematical optimization in Operations Research
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (4) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (4)
キハラハント 愛
United Nations Human Rights System and Civil and
Political Rights in Japan
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (5) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (5)
BROWN Trent Contemporary India
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (7) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (7)
吉本 郁 
International Political Economy in East Asia
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (9) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (9)
KUHN Felix Research Methods and Japanese Foreign Policy
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (10) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (10)
鈴木 早苗 
/ SUZUKI Sanae
Comparative Analysis on Regional Organizations
 as Security Actors
グローバル教養特別演習 II (11) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (11)
李 英蘭 
/ LEE Young-ran
グローバル教養特別演習 II (12) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (12)
白 春花 
/ BAI Chunhua
グローバル教養特別演習 II (13)a /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (13)a
松田 葉月 
/ MATSUDA Hazuki
Seminario sobre Estudios Latinoamericanos
グローバル教養特別演習 II (13)b /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (13)b
松田 葉月 
/ MATSUDA Hazuki
Seminario sobre Estudios Latinoamericanos
グローバル教養特別演習 II (14) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (14)
BELOUAD Chris Écrire l’Histoire en France au XXe siècle
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (21) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (21)
WOODWARD Jonathan Chemistry For Environmental Sciences
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (22) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (22)
内田 さやか 
/ UCHIDA Sayaka
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (23) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (23)
/YAMAKAWA Takashi, HACHIMURA Satoshi, HIRAYAMA Kazuhiro, SUZUKI Michio
Food Safety and Risk Management
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (41) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (41)
高橋 史子 
Immigrants and Education in Multicultural Japan
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (42) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (42)
高橋 史子 
Qualitative Research: Theoretical Understanding and Conducting Research
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (43) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (43)
ROBERTS Mark Japanese Cinema: The Golden Age
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (44) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (44)
野澤 俊太郎 
/ NOZAWA Shuntaro
East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts (EAA) Philosophy in Tokyo / Tokyo in Philosophy Lecture Series Course
  —Revisiting Genius-loci in Tokyo 東京の地霊を再訪する
  グローバル教養特別演習 II (45) /
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts II (45)
KUHN Felix Diplomacy: History and Practice
  グローバル教養特別演習 IV (1)/
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts IV (1)
勝又 幹英 
/ KATSUMATA Mikihide
 Start-up and Venture Capital
  グローバル教養特別演習 IV (2)/
 Seminar in Global Liberal Arts IV (2)
東 大作 
/ HIGASHI Daisaku
Challenges of Mediation and Peacebuilding: How to make
 a peace in the time of division 和平調停と平和構築の課題

Details such as classrooms, course objectives and schedule are within the "Academic Program for USTEP/KOMSTEP Students."

QR_GSA2024AThe course information above and within the Academic Program is subject to change.  Please make sure to check the latest information within UTokyo Academic affairs System (UTAS) and UTOL (UTokyo LMS).

Credit Requirements for Completion of the Program

In order to complete the GSA Program, students must obtain the following credits before the period of their exchange ends.
  1. 6 credits from the following courses:
    - Praxis in Global Liberal Arts
    - Lectures in Global Liberal Arts I - III
    - Seminar in Global Liberal Arts I - V 
  2. 6 credits from the Japanese Language courses offered at Komaba Campus
Upon obtaining the required credits in language learning and in specialized courses, students will be awarded an official certificate of completion issued by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The certificates will be sent to the students upon return to their home university, after the grades have been posted and credits have been calculated.


Q1:I will stay at UTokyo for 2 semesters, but I could not complete GSA’s requirements for the 1st semester. Can I continue to take GSA courses and enroll in the second semester?
A1:Yes, there is no problem with doing that. You can take GSA courses in one semester or spread them over two semesters. You do not have to make the GSA enrollment again in the second semester.
Q2:I will stay at UTokyo for 2 semesters and I have finished the all GSA requirements at the 1st semester. May I get the GSA certificate while I am in Japan?
A2:The GSA certificate will be awarded after all of the results have come out. Therefore, the certificate will only be sent to your home university after you have completed all of the semesters at UTokyo.
Certificates will be delivered around April for students who finished their program at UTokyo after the A semester, and around September for those finishing after the S semester.
Q3:May I get the GSA certificate by data?
A3:No, in principle, you cannot get the certificate by data.
Q4:May I take Asian language courses in Hongo Campus?
A4:The GSA program is run by faculty members at the College of Arts and Sciences, which is based on Komaba Campus.
You are welcome to take other courses offered at Hongo Campus but the credits of these courses do not meet the GSA requirements.
Q5:For the language courses, I am interested in Chinese and Korean as well as Japanese. Are there
courses of Chinese and Korean beginners provided in English?
A5:Please refer to either the UTAS and contact the main instructor of each course to ask about the language used in class.

Messages from the Global Studies Committee

Meet new friends and enjoy Komaba life!

Director of the Global Studies Committee
The College of Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokyo
Study and have fun together here in Komaba.
Our students are thrilled to meet you!

A-Semester Vice Director of the Global Studies Committee
The College of Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokyo
広瀬 友紀
Explore the world and map your future in Komaba!

Takashi ODA
Associate Professor
Global Studies Committee
The College of Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokyo
Enjoy meeting and studying with students from all over the world!

Associate Professor
S-Semester Vice Director of the Global Studies Committee
The College of Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokyo
北村 朋史

GS Student Staff Members

The GS Student Staff Members are employed by the GS/GSA program to support events organized by the GS/GSA program committee. In addition, they planned and hosted regular Lunchtime Gatherings and a Game Night for international and Japanese students during 2024S Semester.
Thank you very much to Chie, June, Nicole, Teppei and Yui for your contributions! You did a great job working in an international team and offered many exchange opportunities for students on Komaba campus.
Working as a GS student staff member has been an incredibly rewarding experience, as it allowed me to meet a wide variety of international students and University of Tokyo students. As an international student myself, I felt a strong sense of belonging to this organization, and it was immensely satisfying to be able to assist other lonely international students. This experience has been very valuable to me and has greatly contributed to my personal growth.
One of the highlights was interacting with international students from various countries, which exposed me to diverse cultures and perspectives. This broadened my horizons and enhanced my ability to understand different viewpoints. Additionally, working here allowed me to meet many kind and friendly people, for whom I am very grateful. I hope to maintain these precious connections in the future. The collaboration with my colleagues was a great support, and working together to solve problems, even in challenging situations, provided me with significant learning opportunities.
Being a GS student staff member is more than just a part-time job; it has been a source of great inspiration for me. I hope other students can also experience this valuable opportunity, learn and feel as much as I did. I encourage everyone to use this chance to grow, communicate with more people, and expand their potential. (J's comment)

I am absolutely happy to be a part of the GS Student Staff. This opportunity allows me to contribute to the organization and coordination of a variety of activities, both offline and online, that aim to foster meaningful interactions between Japanese and international students. Being able to help create an inclusive environment where students from different backgrounds can come together, share experiences, and build lasting friendships is incredibly fulfilling. As an international student myself, I feel included at UTokyo since everyone I've met here is warm and kind.
Moreover, the chance to work alongside such a dedicated group of fellow staff members, as well as Seiko-san, has been a fantastic and rewarding experience. I believe that with our joint efforts, the atmosphere on Komaba Campus will continue to be better and better. (C's comment)

半年間GSの学生スタッフとして働かせていただきましたが、とても貴重な経験でした。スタッフとして、lunchtime gatheringの運営をおこなったり、夕方のイベントを開催したりしましたが、まずスタッフのmeeting も日本語英語を混ぜたもので、イベントももちろん英語で留学生や日本人の学生と交流できて、新鮮で楽しかったです。
帰国生でもなく、英語に少し不安がある状態でしたが、周りに助けられながら、楽しく活動できました!イベントに参加してくださった皆さん、スタッフとして一緒に活動したChie、June、Nicole、Teppei、活動や運営のアドバイスを下さった庄田さん、本当にありがとうございました (Y's comment)

GS/GSAの学生スタッフとして働いた活動の中で一番強く感じたのは、「交流に対するハードルが低いこと」です。私自身は、英語を話せる環境や留学生と交流する機会を探してスタッフに応募しましたが、GS/GSAの学生スタッフはまさにぴったりの仕事でした。イベントに参加して様々な学生と交流する中で、また他のスタッフのおかげで英語で会話することの不安感は小さくなったと思います。また、東大のさまざまな学生に交流の機会を提供でき、仕事にはとてもやりがいがありました。 (T's comment)
Events during 2023S/A

Lunchtime Gatherings during 2023S / 2023A
Apr 20    Open Chat Forum on Zoom
May 18   Experiencing ZAZEN Meditation
Jun 30 "Leading through Change: Conversation with a Maasai Elder" on Zoom
Jul 13  "Exploring TOKYO" English Documentary Film Festival
Oct 18  Online Gathering
Nov 02  Experiencing ZAZEN Meditation
Nov 30  Game Night
Dec 05  Lecture "Making Sense of Interpretation that Makes Sense"
Dec 15  Lecture "How do Countries Respond in Times of Economic Security Crises?" on Zoom
Jan 10  Experiencing Japanese Tea Ceremony SADOU
Jan 15  Lecture "What Makes a Sentence Easy or Difficult to Comprehend?" on Zoom
Jan 19  Students' Presentations "Japan and the Pacific Ocean"
Feb 16  Lecture "How Do Second Language Learners Acquire Grammar?" on Zoom

Global Studies Program Committee
Globalization Office, 21KOMCEE West B1F
The University of Tokyo, KomabaⅠCampus