Recruitment for GO Tutors

The recruitment period for new GO Tutor positions in A Semester 2024 will open soon.

Please continue to check this website or subscribe to our mailing list for the most up-to-date information.


GO Tutors assist the international students including undergraduate exchange students (KOMSTEP, USTEP, etc.) and students of PEAK (Programs in English at Komaba, undergraduate degree programs) with their studies, and give advice and assistance as the new students adjust to a new environment. The tutoring session will take place in GO Lounge, located in 21 KOMCEE West, or online. The tutoring is not necessarily a one-on-one session.

There will also be GO Tutor meetings, where each tutor will be asked to report on his/her work, and discuss how to deal with certain issues or how to improve the tutor system. GO Tutors will also be expected to proactively contribute to other related activities of GO, working with faculty and administrative staff.

Each GO Tutor should have excellent communication skills, problem-solving ability as well as creativity, and should be willing to work with international students. Working as a GO Tutor will be a great opportunity for those who are interested in befriending and collaborating with people of diverse cultural backgrounds.

Recruitment of new GO tutors is usually scheduled to open twice each year, in winter and summer.