GO Tutors(Group Tutoring)

Tutors for KOMSTEP students, USTEP students and PEAK students

The Globalization Office offers a tutor system for KOMSTEP, USTEP and PEAK students.
GO Tutors are Japanese or international students at the University of Tokyo with superior academic abilities and English skills.
GO Tutors assist KOMSTEP, USTEP and PEAK students with their studies, giving advice and assistance in order to help them adjust to their new environment. Tutoring sessions take place in the GO Lounge (B1, 21KOMCEE West Map). The tutoring is not necessarily a one-on-one session.
For those students who do not fall under the aforementioned categories, please consult the website below.
(January 19, 2024) Application guidelines for new GO Tutor positions in S Semester 2024 have been released! For more details, please click the bottom "Recruitment"!
(February 21, 2024) Recruitment for new GO Tutor positions (April 2024-) has ended.  


The 2024 S semester GO tutor session has ended. 2024 A semester GO tutor session will begin on Wednesday, October 2nd.  For more details, please check our Facebook or Instagram.

GO tutor