KOMSTEP (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences Student Exchange Programs)

About the Program

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences/College of Arts and Sciences sends eligible students to study abroad as an exchange student at one of the partner universities with which we have a student exchange memorandum.

1.Partner Universities

For a list of partner universities, please click on the link below.


(1) Students must be enrolled in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences/College of Arts and Sciences, UTokyo. (Students who will graduate from or complete the faculty or graduate school of UTokyo or advance from a faculty to graduate school of UTokyo during the study abroad period are not eligible.)
(2) Undergraduate students must be in their third year or higher. (However, students can apply during their second year.)
(3) Students must meet the exchange student qualifications specified by the partner university (e.g., language proficiency, research area).
(4) For insurance during the period of the exchange program, students are required to take out the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services’ (JEES) “Futai Kaigaku” at their own expense.

3.Period of Study/Research

Students can study abroad for one semester or one year. (Period of study will vary depending on the academic year of the partner university.)


(1) Tuition
In accordance with the student exchange memorandum, students will continue to pay their tuition to UTokyo, Komaba while the examination fees, entrance fees and tuition at their host university will be waived.
(2) Other expenses
Students must cover any other expenses required during their study abroad period by themselves.
(3) Scholarships
Students may apply for the "University of Tokyo Go Global Scholarship Short (3 months - 1 year) Study Abroad Scholarship."
Click below for further information.
The list of scholarships:https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/adm/go-global/ja/scholarship-index.html

5.Application period

The application period and the deadline of submission may vary depending on the partner university. Please contact the International Research and Cooperation Office for more information.

6.Application process

All contact and submission of applications must be made through the International Research and Cooperation Office. Please contact the office and check the application procedures and necessary documents for the exchange program to study or to research at your desired host university.

7.Selection method

Document screening, interview


International Research and Cooperation Office
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences